WHC wants you to have a suitcase!
A "suitcase" is wormhole jargon for a ship with a large cargo hold that you can pack with all your belongings in case of an eviction. If any pilot has an active ship when the structure they are docked in explodes, the pilot, their ship, and everything in it will appear in space at that location the next time they log on. This is an excellent insurance policy and a good way to deny assets to evictors.

Because the ships with the largest cargo holds are expensive to produce and, in the case of freighters, must be built inside our home system, WHC wants to help. We're teaming up with the Production department to streamline the manufacturing process and keep costs low for WHC members. Submit a request, and we'll build one for you, then contract it to you at cost (typical prices are somewhere under Jita split, depending on components).

Each player may order more than one suitcase, one per suitcase pilot, but please only have one request outstanding at any time. To help ensure fairness, we'll prioritize suitcase production for players who have not yet had one built. Remember that in order for a suitcase to work, the pilot must be in the hole during the eviction! Please only request suitcases for pilots that live out of our home in J-space and that can already fly them.

A DST or Orca will be delivered in Stacmon (which you should fly to J105433 as soon as possible), and a Charon will be delivered in J105433.

For questions, please contact any WHC Community Coordinator.
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