Going somewhere? Let WHC watch your hangar.
EVE University has always prioritized real-world commitments and game/life balance, but with any living world, time marches on in New Eden, and threats can happen while you're away. Before you go on vacation or take a break from the game, it's easy and prudent to pack all your spare modules, components, cargo, and assorted items into a suitcase ship. (Don't know what a suitcase is or how to get one? Look here.) But if you're just taking a few weeks off, do you really want to repackage all your fitted ships? WHC doesn't think so.

Instead, WHC can hold on to your fitted ships while you're gone. Fill out this form, contract us your ships with the subject "VACATION" (or something similar), and go enjoy yourself or take the time you need. Once you get back, we'll simply hand them back. There's no cost to this. In the case an eviction does happen while you're gone, WHC will ensure none of your ships fall into enemy hands. Due to limited corporate suitcase space, you won't be getting them back either, but the program is a simple way to guarantee asset denial and get peace of mind on your break.

In the form below, we ask for an approximate return date. We won't hold you to this, but it helps us track where people are. The WHC Vacation Storage program has a maximum limit of two months. After this time, we'll assume you've left the game for good and attempt to liquidate your assets. We'll attempt to contact you before you reach that limit, of course. If you are planning on taking a slightly longer break, feel free to contact a WHC Community Coordinator. We may be willing to stretch it. If you are planning on taking a much longer break, it's probably a better idea to move your things out of the wormhole or sell them to other members.
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Your WHC Main Character: *
Your three-letter ship name abbreviation (so we know which ones are yours): *
Approximate date of return: *
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